Try on your fave styles at home.
try before you buy!
Test the fit, check the size, and make sure you love the style before you commit to your next pair.
100% free, every time
There's absolutely nothing to lose! This is a risk-free way to shop glasses online.
Shipped to your door
We ship your styles to you for 5 days. Use the prepaid shipping label to send them back in the same box.
fast & easy ordering
Once you find a favorite style, it's so easy to order! Just hop back into your account, select your lenses, and check out.
Browse frames to your heart’s content—and then narrow it down to your four favorites to try-on at home. We'll ship them to you for free!
Your 5-day clock starts on delivery day. Check the size, the fit, and the style to find your favorite pair (or two)!
Every frame comes with free prescription lenses! If you want to shop with your current prescription, you can take our vision assessment to confirm that it still works for you.